Poorly Projected Pictures


Poorly Projected Pictures was a venture in the 2000s created by director Nathan Fairhurst and his father and composer, Jon Fairhurst. Their signature franchise was Colonel Crush, starting as a senior high school project and culminating in four "of ACTION!" films. They also produced The Murder of Dirk Snowglobe, three entries in the 48 Hour Film Festival, and a number of "microfilms".

Colonel Crush 1 - 2005, An Odyssey of ACTION!

This started as a senioritus book report on 2001: A Space Odyssey. Little did we know that it would spawn three more films.

Colonel Crush 2 - The Fountain of ACTION!

The second in the Colonel Crush series. Disclaimer: We do not advocate political violence. That said, when the group stated that the true power of the United States lies with the Supreme Court, they were prescient.

Colonel Crush 3 - The Sword in the Stone of ACTION!

The royal gem of Colonel Crush films.

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Episode 1)

Watch this film, comrades!

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Webisode 2)

Watch this webisode, comrades!

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Webisode 3)

Watch this next webisode, comrades!

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Webisode 4)

Watch this next, next webisode, comrades!

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Webisode 5)

Watch this almost penultimate webisode, comrades!

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Webisode 6)

Watch this penultimate webisode, comrades!

Colonel Crush 4 - To Russia with ACTION! (Webisode 7)

Watch this final webisode, comrades!

The Murder of Dirk Snowglobe

Dirk is dead. Long live Dirk!

Us and Them

Our first entry in the 48 Hour Film Festaval in Portland. By rule, it was written, shot, edited, and finished within 48 hours. Our film made it to the finals and won a minor award.

Heart Break Break In

Our second entry in the 48 Hour Film Festaval in Portland - a musical! Again, our film made it to the finals and won the award for Best Music.

Dream Job

Our third entry in the 48 Hour Film Festaval in Portland - winning the award for Audience Favorite, based on paper ballots, and making it three for three in getting to the finals.

Twisted Game

Some games are for keeps.

The Last Outpost

Keep the coffee warm.

Samba Group

More recently Jon Fairhurst joined a Samba Group in the Rogue Valley of Oregon. He has set up a web page that plays and describes some of the rhythmic patterns that the group performs.