Rogue Sambistas

(Trying out the name...)

Join us!

We meet at Margo's Valley View Farm, 1531 N Valley View Rd. on Sundays from 11:00 am to 1:00. Please be respectful and don't park in Margo's spot or block the back gate. Carpool, if possible. We meet in the back building, which has A/C. Please leave a couple dollars to donate for the hospitality, and please don't smoke on the property.


From Wikipedia:

"Batucada is a substyle of samba and refers to a percussive style, usually performed by an ensemble, known as a bateria. Batucada is characterized by its repetitive style and fast pace."

Here is the full mix:

Here are the individual parts with their patterns shown and audio with that instrument highlighted in the mix. Each row of the pattern includes one major beat (quarter notes), divided into four minor beats (sixteeth notes).

High Surdo

Lo - - -

m - - -

Lo - - -

m - - -

Lo means an open hit; Hi means a muted hit; m means a mute.

Low Surdo

m - - -

Lo - Lo -

m - - -

Lo Lo - Lo

Lo means an open hit; Hi means a muted hit; m means a mute.


Lo - - Hi

Hi - Lo -

Lo - Hi -

Hi - - Lo

Lo means large bell; Hi means small bell.



{- - o}

{o o o}

{o o o}

{o o o}

^ - - -

- - - -

^ - ^ -

- - - -


o - o -

o o - o

- o o -

o o - -

{} means triplets; o means open hit; ^ means accent.


^ o o ^

o o ^ o

o o ^ o

o (^) o o

o means open hit; ^ means accent; (^) means soft accent.


Call Out:

o - ! -

- r - ^

o o o o

o - ^ -


o o - ^

o o - ^

o o - ^

o o - ^

o means open hit; ^ means accent; ! means rim strike.


Makumba is a 6/8 pattern with five voices. These include three surdos, agogo, and repenique. Here is the full mix:

Here are the individual parts with their patterns shown and audio with that instrument highlighted in the mix.

High Surdo

Lo m Hi Hi - Hi

Hi - Hi Hi - Lo

Lo means an open hit; Hi means a muted hit; m means a mute.

Low Surdo

Lo - Lo - Lo m

Hi Hi - Hi - Lo

Lo - Lo - - -

- - - - - Lo

Lo means an open hit; Hi means a muted hit; m means a mute.

3rd Surdo

Lo m Lo m Lo Lo

m - - - - -

Lo m - - - Lo

Lo m - - - -

Lo means an open hit; Hi means a muted hit; m means a mute.


Lo - Hi - Hi -

Lo Lo - Hi - Lo

Lo means large bell; Hi means small bell.


{^ o o} o ^ o o

^ {o o o} ^ o o

{} means triplets; ^ means accent.